Thursday, August 7, 2008


So- the bowes fam has been busy with a 1000 birthdays this week:) and of course going here and there and EVERYWHERE...whoa too much story time =) So this week Jeff sister mention that K may would do good in a baby BUMBOOOOOOO since she was holding her head up (pretty good). So I couldnt wait to go out and buy a PINK one...of course after 3 stores and some one trying to convince me that purple was "ok". I wasted the gas and drove to Raleigh to behold...a pink BUMBO. So we have been having fun playing with her in that. It is so nice to have her up and seeing the world! We have also been going thru the teething war. POOR THING I think she has chewed her little hands off. I have tried everything to make it easier on her but she just going to have to tough it out. Thankful yesterday I saw 2 little teeth on the bottom moving their way up! BUT with a 3monther there is not much I CAN do besides hold the teether to her gum! oh well... we will make it thru it. In the mean time we are taken K up for her first IKEA excited!..enjoy the pics..