Tuesday, December 30, 2008


Well Christmas has once again come and gone. It always takes so long to make its way around the calender only to rush by. I guess thats why you look so forward to it every year. There always is something you need to do or finish for next year. This was my sweet Kathryn's first one and Jeff I really enjoyed sharing it with our greatest blessing of the year. We are so lucky to be able to be with both parents Christmas Day. However, Christmas Eve was such a special night for us this year... even though our little Christmas cookie was tired she hung in there for a little while to participate in the evening activities. We started the night off with spaghetti because Italian is our favorite food (ok maybe mine)and we both hold Italy very dear to our heart. We spent 14 amazing honeymoon days enjoy all that Italy has to offer. So every meatball always takes us back to the carefree nights of wine and singing. After a glass of wine and a plate of noodles we sat Kathryn in the high chair and had her over see our cookie contest that Jeff and I had between the two of us. It was a sight to see Jeff get competitive over whose Christmas star looked better! As the cookies were baking we put KB in the bed and read The Night Before Christmas. KB LOVED IT...especially since it was a POP up book. Then off to bed she went...Jeff took the cookies out only to find we BOTH lost the cookie contest since all our cookies created the perfect blob and I finished last minute wrapping to help Santa out. The night was magical and brought back all of the child like surprise. It truly makes you appreciate your parents more. Christmas use to seem so easy because Santa had to do it all. WoW what a difference being old makes. I now enjoy Christmas lights after Christmas...and Christmas movies even more. Next year- ill be organized haha... will see. Either way I could not have asked for a better Christmas then to spend with my family and special friends. Looking forward to next year.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

buzzy buzzzzzzzzzy

don't have much time to update.... we are full force into the Christmas spirit...full of unfinished PROJECTS!!...Enjoy some pics taken by my bestest sis...kristen(thank u)