Monday, February 23, 2009

Well Hello February...when did you get here!?

Well, this month is really flying by and we seem to have no time at the Bowes house for quite moments of refection. Kathryn our lil "katie bee" is growing soooo fast! Kathryn is now 10 months old~:)!! KB now spends her days crawling everywhere and climbing up and down on everything! She is also quite the chatterbox and especialy likes to say da da da...all day. Only on Valentine's Day did I get the straight look in the face followed by Mumm Ma! We also experience our very first cold/ear infection this month and after a few fussy days she recovered. (also thanks to the yummy antibotic) We also got a new boyfriend names Allen Blake (2/10/09 9 -pounds 12-oz 23.5 inches long) from our special Godparents Carrie & Allen Wainwright. We had a perfect Valentines Day...My parents kept KB while Jeff and I went out for lunch and to our fav spot Barnes n Nobles...and then he fixed me my fav dinner and I fixed KB her fav dinner out of the jar! :) The night before Kathryn got to have a play DATE night with The Berrys and Kathryn got to see her fav lil boyfriend.."Cutie Conner"! The Bowes fam has only ventured out on a few road trips to DC @ the begining of the month and then to the beach this past week. Other then that we have been chasing Katie Bee around and around the house! This months weather has also been WILD we had a few warm wonderful days and we took full advantage by going to the park. KB cousin Evan also hit the big 2 on the 23rd! The 25th will be a very special day for us all BECAUSE Jeff will be 28!!! He plans to have a bunch of his old friends down for the weekend for a PoKeR pArTY~:0 So we are looking foward to that!